Ajmera Mang-O Energy Instant, 100% Natural with Vitamin C, 10-Count Boxes (Pack of 3) Review

Ajmera Mang-O Energy Instant, 100% Natural with Vitamin C, 10-Count Boxes (Pack of 3) Feature
- Mang-O energy has no caffeine
- Mang-O energy is 100% natural, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors
- Mang-O energy has dextrose monhydrate which your mind and body requires to function
- Mang-O energy is low in calories
Ajmera Innovations products are 100% natural, no artificial flavors or colors and No Caffeine in our energy drink line. It'a an instant mix so all you need is water. Mang-O Energy contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Vitamin C is known to help theimmune system. Mang-O Energy keeps you hydrated helping you function better both physically and mentally. Orang-O Energy is best after a work-out , tiring day or just when you need a boost. (20 servings per box) Customer service number 1866 860-3671
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